

Franklin Park Elementary staff welcome the partnership between parents and community members who are able to assist our students, teachers and staff. There are always plenty of volunteer opportunities available both inside and out of the classroom. Please read the information below to find out if you qualify and how to sign up.

We encourage parents, community members, and business partners to join our mission to make a difference in students’ lives and share your time within our schools. You will find volunteering in the school district to be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Franklin Park Elementary, please fill out the application below and turn it in to the front office during normal operation hours.

Expectations Of Volunteers

We have high expectations of our volunteers to be professional and respectful with the faculty and staff within the school and maintain confidentiality when discussing students.

  • All volunteers will go through a criminal history background, both state and national.
  • All volunteers will complete the Volunteer Orientation Program prior to going in a school.
  • Volunteers should be on time for their assignments and notify the school if running late or will be absent.
All volunteers should conduct themselves as role models for students by setting a good example in their behavior, appearance, and actions towards students, teachers, and other staff members.

Volunteer Application - English
Volunteer Application - Spanish